St. Joseph of Cupertino Luggage Tag

St. Joseph of Cupertino Luggage Tag
from $7.95
Most know St. Joseph of Cupertino as the patron saint of test-takers. What many do not remember is, that due to numerous episodes of spiritual ecstasy that led to levitation, St. Joseph is also the patron saint of air travelers and pilots. Strap this tag to your luggage or tuck in your bag to remind yourself of this beloved saint’s protection! Read Liz’s reflection on St. Joseph of Cupertino for more on this favorite saint.
Two style options:
Large tag without card holder
Small tag with clear card holder (perfect for business card or other contact info)
Dimensions: Large w/o Holder: 4 1/4"h x 3 5/8"w vinyl | Small w/ Holder: 2 1/4"h x 4 1/4"w brushed aluminum
Leather strap
Made in USA