A Litany of Healing

by Adam Thomas

Together we lift our prayers to you, O God of love and healing.

God the Father, you breathe life into your whole Creation.
R./Help us breathe deeply of your peace and presence.

God the Son, you give us yourself to make our joy complete.
R./Help us give our fear, pain, and grief to you.

God the Holy Spirit, you move through our lives in unexpected ways.
R./Help us move in concert with your life-giving motion.

Holy Trinity, One God, accept our thanks and praise for all the blessings of this life, especially for those blessings that our present circumstances make difficult to see.
R./O Lord, hear our prayer.

Shed the light of your healing love on all who are sick in body, mind, or spirit, that they may find new wholeness illumined by your grace.
R./O Lord, hear our prayer.

Knit together in your love all whose relationships have frayed, that they may find reconciliation and new beginnings.
R./O Lord, hear our prayer.

Bless all who work to improve the health of others, that they may bring hope, care, wisdom, and skill to all they serve.
R./O Lord, hear our prayer.

Hold in the palm of your hand all who are near death and all who care for them, that they may know the peace that passes all understanding.
R./O Lord, hear our prayer.

Grant all who turn to you the courage to participate with you in restoring this broken world to wholeness, that everyone and everything may share in the hope of your kingdom.
R./O Lord, hear our prayer.

At this time, I invite your prayers of thanksgiving or intercession either silently or aloud. 

(Silence is kept.)

For these and for all other petitions that are too deep for words, we pray to you:
R./O Lord, hear our prayer.

You are the Lord whose promises never cease.
R./You are the Lord whose presence never fails.

Gracious God, you are close to us no matter how far we feel from you: draw us into the very heart of your grace and help us to live into the truth that nothing in all creation can separate us from your love in Jesus Christ our Lord. R./Amen.


LitaniesElizabeth Kelly